Thursday, February 26, 2009


Never thought I'd be a blogger...

I have been working on creating a website. Used some birthday money to buy a domain name and some hosting space for a few months. The whole thing is more for me to learn a thing or two about it. As most people who are acquainted with me already know, I like to run before I walk. So of course I dove right in to PHP, CMS (wow Drupal does have a steep learning curve)and a slew of other things I know little to nothing about. Well none the less after almost a week of staring at the computer screen, clicking a few things , reading a lot of things, then clicking a few more things... I then decided upon a more simplistic deployment. Just to get something up and going. After all, I figure if I am going to learn anything, anything at all, it needs to be self supported. So bring on the ad banners. But even to do that requires more reading. And thus, have started reading up on SEO (Search Engine Optimization), which is really just web talk for shameless self promotion! The whole idea summed up; get listed. Then constantly improve your listing. As getting indexed by Google or actually convincing a volunteer reviewer at ODP that my site isn't total crap will likely take a long while, if it happens at all. Ive opted for the simpler alternative. Thus blog. Thus link.

So here goes nothing...

Come on, you know your interested. Just go check it out.

For now anyways, gota go read some more and perhaps click some more.